Featured Stories

Inside IMG racialdayofhealing

Racial healing and collective liberation

Recently published in Southwest Michigan Second WaveBattle Creek Truth Racial Healing and Transformation still a change agent in a changing world directly addresses the role of diversity, equity, and inclusion in a time when those very concepts are under attack. 

Inside IMG disabilityinclusion

Accessibility for all

We regularly report on challenges and solutions from the disability community. Here is one recent example: 

Inside IMG seniors

Age-friendly movement

We all have one thing in common: we're getting older. And increasingly, older adults feel isolated from their communities. From The Lakeshore West MichiganAARP program helps seniors find purpose and make a difference reports on retirees who still want to participate in the workforce, and how their deep experience can add value for employers.

Inside IMG dentistry

Inclusive oral health

It turns out when we consider how to provide oral healthcare for people with varying needs, we end up with better oral healthcare for everyone. That's one takeaway from Inclusive dentistry: Transforming access for patients with disabilities, part of a new series focused on challenges and solutions related to oral health in Michigan, Indiana, and Ohio.  

Inside IMG mentalhealth

Tackling mental health challenges

In Michigan’s rural counties, the dozens of miles between a patient and a therapy session can mean they are navigating anxiety, depression, or a severe and persistent mental illness on their own. Stigma and small-town toughness can keep rural residents from asking for help in the first place. This piece explores how three community mental health agencies are tackling these challenges through innovative programming and effective outreach.

Inside IMG clearwater

Coming together and rebounding

It took just a few hours for Hurricane Helene to devastate Clearwater Beach late last September. But the community came together and rebounded: Hotels are wrapping up repairs in anticipation of the spring break season; grants from the local chamber of commerce have buoyed small businesses from bakeries to barbershops; neighbors have shown grit and resilience as they pitch in to help one another. The result: a sense of progress and optimism in the new year.

Inside IMG abilitysocial

Creating a welcoming space

Everyone deserves to be able to have a space that they can be themselves comfortably—but not everyone feels welcome or worthy in their community’s typical social hubs. Inspired by her brother, who has a disability, Paula Roessle created a space in the heart of Bay City for adults of all abilities to enjoy art, music, and connection. While other organizations help those with disabilities find career opportunities, the Ability Social Club is focused on helping people find friendship and happiness. 

Inside IMG homeless

Ending homelessness in Detroit

In a two-part series, Model D asked two critical questions: “What is it like to be homeless and Detroit?” and “What would it take to end homelessness in Detroit?” With humanity and curiosity, these stories delved into the experience of losing your home and trying to find your footing again, as well as the creative and grinding work of those who work to end homelessness.   

Inside IMG treeplanting

In Nature

Last March, we wrote about tree, park, and trails equity in Grand Rapids (bet you didn’t know there is something called a Tree Equity Score), and that story directly resulted in Friends of Grand Rapids Parks getting inquiries from other media outlets, growth in their social media following, and interaction with their newsletter.

Inside IMG childrenplanting

In Schools

In Mt. Pleasant, we wrote about a public charter school innovating in education through project-based learning and real-world applications. The coverage generated excitement for the Renaissance Academy, and it contributed to enrollment growth at the school.

Inside IMG gem5k

In Communities

A story in our Soapbox publication highlighted efforts to improve community connectivity in one of Cincinnati’s inner-ring suburbs.

Inside IMG neighborhood

In Neighborhoods

And in Detroit, an installment in our “Resilient Neighborhoods” series was about how a community is beginning to rebound in part because of a focus on the health and quality of life of its residents. The executive director of HOPE Village Revitalization told us that “the timeliness of the story was perfect.”

Inside IMG tcwaterfront

Rural Innovation Exchange

IMG formed a statewide and cross-sector coalition of partners interested in supporting expanded media coverage of important rural issues. The result is Rural Innnovation Exchange, which launched in February 2022.  

Inside IMG bcmural

Route Bay City

Route Bay City began publishing in 2018, thanks in a big part to the leadership at the Bay Area Community Foundation, which helped gather philanthropic and community entities to fill the news gap by supporting and underwriting Route Bay City.

Inside IMG battlecreekpolice

On the Ground: Battle Creek

Drawing together philanthropic support from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation and smaller foundations as well as city government, county governments, Veterans Affairs, senior welfare organizations, and economic development groups, IMG launched On the Ground: Battle Creek. 

Inside IMG vaulthotel


In the summer of 2022, Issue Media Group relaunched its online, community-informed, digital publication in the Upper Peninsula. Working with a coalition of parnters, UPword focuses on innovation, talent, entrepreneurship, social innovation, and community development, while featuring U.P.-based talent.   

Inside IMG The Role of Philanthropy.png

The Role of Philanthropy

In the past decade, a growing number of philantrhopic organizations have provided financial support for journalism outlets.   

Inside IMG coolidgeplacehousing

Dedicated housing coverage drives awareness and action

IMG publications like Model D and Metromode have partnered with local housing partnerships to provide continuous coverage of issues related to housing. And Southwest Michigan's Second Wave is reporting on housing issues in that region, thanks to a coalition of funders.

Inside IMG youbelonghere

Communities in the national spotlight

Two IMG publications react with positive stories after their communities -- Springfield, Ohio, and Tampa, Florida -- find themselves in the national spotlight.

Inside IMG solfedfarms

A place to call home

Here's a handful of stories about homes from Issue Media Group publications that touch on a variety of issues. They include everything from creating stable communities to innovative designs and construction.   

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